Sunday 17 August 2014

Unboring is a Dreadful Slogan

The slogan for the Edinburgh Fringe this year is 'unboring'. This is technically true, the festival is never boring. Frustrating, yes. Irritating? Yes. On the plus side it is entertaining, invigorating and unique but never boring.

However, to advertise it as unboring is immediately suspicious. Don't believe me? How would you consider a restaurant that advertised its food as 'unpoisonous'. It probably wouldn't be the first place you chose to eat at. Besides which it is horrible ungrammatical (though, oddly enough, you can get away with 'ungrammatical').

Its unboring nature, though, is inherent in how long the bars stay open. You can never claim a bar is dull when it stays open until 5am... at least, if it seems so, it probably isn't the bar's fault. Re the previous blog post it is the Fringe we have to thank for the nights that go on forever - while the tattoo may be more auspicious and the International Festival have more pedigree neither bring in the crowds that make the city council extend drinking hours - is the Fringe that commands such power.

I was out until 5am on Thursday night, preparing for a similar night on the 'day' job. Like any such night it expanded from people having their faces drawn on with make-up to a bizarre drunken argument I still don't understand and finally just quiet drinks. While sitting quietly drinking a friend of mine was given tequila by some stranger. Fearing it was spiked she refused to drink it. With the expectation of free drugs I drank it anyway. There was something deadly in it... tequila. I vomited just late enough that I managed to get to the toilets.

Never drink spiked tequila, if the drugs don't get you the fact that tequila is unbearable with salt and citrus fruit will!

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