Thursday 31 July 2014

Fear and Loathing At The Edinburgh Fringe

Why fear and loathing?

The obvious answer is in homage and imitation of the late, great Hunter S. Thompson - founder of gonzo journalism and the man every gonzo journalist has been desperately trying to imitate in style and lifestyle ever since, myself included. We do not live an era of originality; we live in an era of test audiences, sequels, movies based on comic characters made 40 years ago or fantasy novels written 80 years ago. People want art that is almost exactly the same as the art they consumed last week, much like they want food that is exactly the same as the food they consumed last week (myself included). By the end of his life even Hunter S. Thompson was just doing a very good impression of Hunter S.Thompson.

Why fear and loathing?

Because of my day job. I use 'day' euphemistically, I am a ghost tour guide in Edinburgh. There are thousands of us so I'm not giving away too much by telling you this but I won't tell you too much more in case people figure out which one I am and they sack me for being a crazed, louche nightmare in human guise. (Actually, that'd probably get me promoted but better safe than sorry).

So fear is my bread and butter, my meat and drink. Quite literally because without the money I make from fear I would not have meat OR drink... and drink is especially necessary when facing the festival.There are only three types of people who make their money from fear -ghost tour guides, horror writers and Vladimir Putin. August company indeed.

Where does the loathing come in? Do you think tour guides enjoy fighting through the festival crowds? Let me disabuse you of that notion, we do not. I love the festival when I'm not working, but while working I loathe it. I am not alone. Those working in restaurants, hotels, transport etc. etc. do not relish the boost to the economy either -to them it's just harder work for the same wage.

Why fear and loathing?

Because last year I was sitting in the Jekyll&Hyde bar, reading an ancient copy of Ars Magica when I was joined by a man called Robert Coyle. He was an Irish comedian visiting Edinburgh, he regaled me with tales of his adventures seeking the fountain of youth and I regaled him with the time I kept a pet wasp. He said he thought I'd enjoy his show. I did enjoy his show, very much, he's a funny guy. One line especially stuck with me, "In August Edinburgh is like Vegas with shittier weather."

I cannot in good conscience steal his line (though I can use it here as this bit is also part review, copyright law being a monster with ninety-seven angry,drunken heads) but as
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is such a famous work, I can evoke it with this title.

Why fear and loathing?

Because some of these blog posts will be reviews of shows I stumble into and actors fear and loathe reviews. Reviews can make or break a show and are often written by people who have nothing but an amateur experience of acting, writing or directing. I do have professional experience in two of those fields, so my reviews might be considered fairer than most. That means mine will be feared and loathed all the more intensely, though, because unlike those written by amateurs mine cannot be contested with the mantra, "You don't know what you're talking about." I do, yet I remain as biased and fuelled by misanthropy as the rest of them.

Why fear and loathing?

Because I know from experience things will turn baleful. Shall I recall the Fringe in which I ended up in a communist revolution in a bar? The Fringe in which I had a verbal joust with some thug ranting at a homeless woman that he was the devil (a claim I took rather personally)? There is no need, because this Fringe will bring similar tales - maybe even moreso since, thanks to this blog, this Fringe I'll be looking for them...

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